Saturday, April 19, 2008

Practice makes Permanent

When I would mention my music to my oldest cousin, he would tell me, "Practice makes Permanent."
As I matured beyond my teen years, understanding the effects of the statement "Practice makes Permanent" took a broader applicable effect on my mind.

I began to realize that anything I do over and over again becomes a habit, a way of thinking inside of me. After a while, I would be good at it, what ever it was.

What I would come to regret is not being discriminatory enough of the things that would take up my time and waste it. I did not push away enough things that would cause non-productive behavior within me. I accepted the repetition of things that created bad habits in me.

Now, though my cousin was right, I have extended his knowledge to be a savior in my life. Though a habit has been established, does not mean a new habit cannot be etched in to take the place of the older, bad one.

Now, I review well all the possible effects of the things that I may do. I take time to write down those good and wonderful things I want to get in a habit of doing. Then I place them in repetitive places on my calendar because I know, "Practice makes Permanent."

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